
Design Technology in Action

Year 3/4 - March 2024
Shell Structures
We investigated about how to use nets to create 3D shapes and use different methods to strengthen the joins. First, we explored load testing to see what 3D shape was the strongest, then chose a shape to make a container for a specific purpose. We used cardboard and acetate to create a window and chose one strengthening method.
Year 3/4 - December 2023
Making Hanging Ornaments 
This term we looked at sewing skills, focusing on running stitch and blanket stitch to join felt together. We undertook market research, chose a person to design and make the ornament for and then made it! 
Year 5/6 
Making Mechanical Toys
In Year 5/6 we have looked at how we could use cams to create moving mechanical toys. Using this brief, we planned and designed how to create and build the toy, resulting in working mechanical toys to take home!
This links to our history topic, The Victorians.
Year 3-4
Bread Making
As part of DT, we have learnt about eating a healthy diet, different food groups and how to plan and making healthy snacks.  We looked at different sources of carbohydrates and learnt that home-made bread is a healthier choice. 
We got to make sourdough bread with Marco, the school chef and some of our parents came to help.
Year 1/2 Bridges
In year 1/2 we have been looking at strong structures, including creating strong foundations, fixing and joins and shapes that help to create weight bearing buildings effectively. We designed, tested and evaluated bridge designs and managed to get our lovely billy goats across the ravine without disturbing the grumpy trolls!