
Governors' business interests & attendance

Governor information

Please see the table below for the governors' business interests, attendance at meetings,  roles on the governing board and  terms of office. 


2023-24 Interests & attendance 
The Grove School Governing Board 2023-24

Name Type of Governor Appointing Body Role Term Committee(s) Registered Interests Attendance 2023-24  

Hilary Priest

Headteacher Ex Officio   1.1.08 - present Teaching and Learning, Resources None
FGB 4/4
T&L 4/4 Resources 5/5
Pay 2/2

Richard Gibbon

 Parent Elected by parents  


 Resources None
FGB 3/4
T&L 1/4
Resources 3/4

Jo Counter

 Staff Elected by staff   22.7.23-23.7.27 Teaching and Learning SENDco FGB 2/4 T&L 2/4  

Becky Nel

 Parent Elected by Parents   1.2.23 -2.2.27  Teaching and Learning  
FGB 4/4
T&L 4/4
Mike Waterson Local Authority  LA Safeguarding and looked – after- children lead. SEND lead (shared) Chair of T&L. Pupil Premium lead. Attendance lead. 5.12.22 -6.12.26  Teaching and Learning, Resources, Pay Locum biochemist
FGB 4/4
T&L 4/4 Resources 5/5
Pay 2/2
Ian Stewart  Co-opted Appointed by FGB
Chair of Governors, GDPR lead, Premises. Health & Safety Lead,
Deputy Safeguarding, Early Years, Equality lead, SEND lead (shared)
5.12.22 – 6.12.26 Teaching and Learning, Resources. Pay Civil Servant
FGB 4/4
T&L 4/4 Resources 5/5
Pay 2/2
Rob Hill  Co-opted Appointed by FGB Chair of Resources & Pay Committees. Finance lead.  24.4.22 -25.4.26 Resources, Pay Self-employed
FGB 2/4 Resources 4/5
Pay 2/2 
Jenny Barker  Co-opted Appointed by FGB    22.3.22 -23.3.26 Resources committee  Doctor FGB 4/4 Resources 4/5  
Vacancy  Co-opted Appointed by FGB            
Resigned members
Joel Mcilven Parent Elected by parents   26.11.20 -27.11.24 Teaching and Learning Deputy-Head of other school.
Wife works at school