
Art and Design Intent Statement

Welcome to The Grove Art and Design page


“Every human is an artist”. Don Miguel Ruiz

It is our intention, through carefully selected art, set in its chronological, historical and geographical contexts that children develop a sense of the world in which they live.  We ensure that the development of knowledge includes not only the explicit teaching of artists and their traditions but that cross curricular links are made to art in other subject areas. The children’s use and understanding of the visual language of art will be developed by effective teaching and by a considered sequence of experiences. That, as practitioners, we embrace a big picture approach to skills development where children have regular opportunities to express themselves, linked to a variety of themes using different media and materials. We ensure that we follow the National Curriculum for Art and Design within the framework of our Progression of Knowledge and Skills document.

This progression grid can support any subject leader or teacher of art and design to ensure progression of skills and knowledge.


 The development of drawing skills begins in our Reception class and runs continuously throughout each academic year with children in Year 1 through to Year 6 using graded pencils and having their own sketchbooks. This empowers children to experiment and take risks, as they explore and develop their skills.  Alongside this the children explore a topic each term, either painting, printmaking/collage/ICT, or clay/3D sculpture.  We introduce children to artists and art movements directly linked to the skills they are learning.  We encourage children to become painting detectives by looking at art and learning how to use the clues present in the details and encouraging them to read the stories that they tell. Skills are revisited and honed in a spiral curriculum, which progresses in terms of depth and challenge to build on the children’s previous learning. We ensure that each child develops their skills and techniques in a way appropriate to them through clear adaptation and support; engaging in active and purposeful experiences and using a variety of art materials and teaching strategies. We encourage each child to evaluate their art and that of others both with peers and adults. We celebrate effort, progress and achievement in art and design through displays with school, on our website and exhibitions, together with enrichment activities such as visits to galleries and participating in competitions.


Art and Design learning is loved by teachers and children across school. The successful approach to the teaching of Art and Design at The Grove School will result in a fun, engaging, high quality art and design education, which provides children with the foundations for creative skills, knowledge and understanding that they can take with them once they complete their primary education.

 Assessment at The Grove School uses formal strategies (leaf drawing assessment at the end of each academic year) and informal strategies (verbal/written outcomes, reflection tasks/presentations, retrieval practice games and activities).

 Formative assessment is used as the main tool for assessing the impact of Art and Design at The Grove School as it allows for misconceptions and gaps to be addressed more immediately rather than building on insecure foundations.

Children at The Grove School will:

- demonstrate a love of art and design work and an interest in further study and work in this field

- retain knowledge that is pertinent to Art and Design with a real life context.

- be able to question ideas and reflect on knowledge.

- be able to articulate their understanding of artistic concepts and be able to discuss art and design using rich language linked to the elements of art and principles of design.

- demonstrate their love of art and design and the development of their skills through the use of detailed sketchbooks.

- achieve age related expectations in Art and Design at the end of their cohort year.